Nepal's Banksy was here!

Nepal's Banksy was here!
Strong message, Simple words

Thursday, 12 June 2014


Hi followers. The Bridport News has been great and published an article on our forthcoming VSO placement in Nepal. Rene, the reporter, has given a bit of background and our blog address, allowing you to find our story.

Jude and I are to travel to Jumla, a district in mid-west Nepal to work with an NGO, Surya Social Service Society (4S). The ethos of 4S is very similar to that of VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas), with aims of lifting very poor families out of poverty to enable them to have more control over their lives Also promoting gender equality in a country where women and girls do much of the farming work but are subject to discrimination, and ensuring all development projects encompass climate change impact.

Now for the latest news----- we have had a delay in our departure from late June until 9th July, when we fly out to Delhi and on to Kathmandu to start our in-country training. Current temperatures of 45C in Delhi start the realisation that life is about to change in a huge number of ways. Napali language training has happened alongside our pre-departure training over the last few weeks. So the delay will give us more time with our family and time to get this blog up and running before the flight.

Share this time with us as we say goodbye to family and friends, make contacts who may help our future challenges and leave on this placement in Nepal which is a tourist destination and yet is the poorest country in southern Asia.


  1. Really looking forward to reading your blog posts. BEST OF LUCK ON YOUR ADVENTURES!!

  2. Great enterprise. I shall enjoy following your trials, tribulations and, no doubt, successes.

    Just make sure 4S doesn't get a G in front!

    1. Strange you should think of that! Good to make contact, stay in touch.
